Chapter 02 -
Barriers to Change –
What Keeps Us from Changing?

"Change is the only constant" is not a new phrase, rather a worn-out truth. It’s known and resonates with us. So why don’t we change constantly? What is holding us back?

Change challenges our natural tendency to cling to the familiar. We call this the “Change Anxiety Syndrome,” and it battles the two-headed monster:
(1) stepping out of our comfort zone and
(2) the fear of uncertainty.

Change Anxiety Syndrome doesn’t spare businesses. Even in companies and organizations, change is challenging and therefore, being challenged. A deep understanding of the types of change-barriers is crucial for the success of the change process. In this section, we’ll take a moment to dive deep, focus on identifying those barriers, and explore how we can overcome them.

The main barriers to change in companies and brands

We’ve identified five key barriers:

All of these barriers ultimately stem from the fear of stepping out of the good ol’ comfort zone. The following model explains the difficulty of leaving comfort zones but also the opportunity that lies beyond them:
The Comfort Zone Model

This model perfectly demonstrates how an untapped potential of an organization is created, when it lingers in the fear zone.

Comfort Zone

It all begins in a place where things feel safe and stable. In the comfort zone, we operate within the realm of the familiar and known, avoiding discomfort or challenges that may trigger anxiety. If we had to choose two words that define the comfort zone, we’ll definitely pick control and ease.

The fear zone lies just one small step beyond the comfort zone. This is where we face the unknown head-on, which is a fair part of the deal: change often involves taking risks and facing failure. The fear zone may feel intimidating, but once we choose to stay in it, embrace the unknown, and welcome change, we reach the pivot.

The decision to embrace change leads to the learning zone. This is a space of exploration, where we acquire new skills, knowledge, and insights. Exposure to new challenges creates opportunities for growth and improvement. It’s important to remember that the learning zone isn’t always a walk in the park: this is where mistakes happen – but mistakes are lessons.

Once we realize that learning is endless, we ascend to the growth zone, which represents the pinnacle of stepping out of the comfort zone. In the growth zone, we expand boundaries, break barriers, and realize our full potential.

This is a circular process that never ends because what was once the growth zone eventually becomes a new comfort zone. Again, we are tasked with recognizing this, leading a change, and moving forward. The key lies in identifying when we’ve returned to the comfort zone, recognizing our barriers, and overcoming them repeatedly to drive growth processes.